Custom Specialty Built-Ins Molding Trim

During this 2015 project we where to rebuild existing custom built-in cabinetry around a fireplace. The tv was installed over top of the custom mantle to provide an elegant living room that would be enjoyed by the homeowners and their family.

This photograph attached that I am blogging about illustrates the custom level that pieces of molding can be designed and built for. I personally made these pieces of molding myself. i will never forget the force of the specialty router meeting against such a small 2.5” x 4” piece of solid wood. The force required myself to create solid blocking jigs that would compress the block of wood on the building table. in addition to this method of support i was required to manage setting up sturdy steel wood clamps to solidify the material to the surface prior to pressing the high powered router tool along the custom molding which i was building.

The finish product is amazing when you can you use your years of experience to create, develop a methodology that will work in creating such a small custom piece of wood molding while using some of the highest powered carpenters tool equipment.

THese custom built-in cabinets where painted using a semi-gloss off white like color which was then faux painted using a metallic glaze to provide it with an antiquing style technique. Of course we always sample the custom faux painting techniques prior to coating the entire cabinetry. There are literally infinite color concepts for antiquing and each and every homeowner who desires this finish shall see the sample prior to final coating even if this process adds weeks to the project completion.

Upon completion of the glazing we waited about 1-2 weeks for the paint products to fully cure. At this time I applied a final water based clear coating as an additional protection sealant. I cannot emphasize enough; during any custom painting projects; no matter the number of years of experience you have always at least have a basic conversation with your local paint supplier. This wil provide you additional insight from an expert and every little tip is key to success in completing amazing finish paint projects for all projects.

- Laurence J O’Krogly Jr - February 2, 2021 - 10:08PM


Custom Bathroom Storage